Measuring The Truth

Understanding the topsy-turvy minds and the unswerving practices of Hindu Rituals.

Raghvi Beri Anand
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


As per Hindu Tradition, we touch feet of our elders as a mark of respect and to gather their blessings.

Chapter 02: Touching Feet with Disoriented Reasons

Since, a very fragile age, the men of Indian households are commanded to touch the feet of their elders. It’s the most common practice of showing respect and obedience towards more knowledgeable and aged, in anticipation of seeking their blessings in return, in the Hindu religion.

I was 8 years old when my grandfather asked me to step out of his way, while my younger brother was asked to touch his feet. No, I won’t say it was humiliating, but I was broadly confused. There was a rush in me, I wanted to ask so many questions, and felt lost in the way, like completely disoriented by gender biases.

Was it to do with my age? Was it again about my gender? Or, was it completely personal? I never understood the math behind prioritizing one gender over another or the reasons behind a few famous and vastly practiced rituals in India.

Many years later, I figured out the science if not the math behind this ritual, however, it may still be challenging to spread rationality amongst firm mindsets.

Read along, as I spell out the reason and rationality behind this age-old Hindu ritual.

Not just boys but even girls after getting to a certain age are bound to practice this ritual, in the belief that touching someone’s feet which is looked at as experienced, aged, and holds wisdom, helps in suppressing the performer's ego. Fair enough! If we understand this ritual with a logical mind. However, given the case of a young female who isn’t allowed to touch elders' feet until a certain age, doesn’t that reflect confusion in the same length?

Well, hold that thought and read along.

Understand from the Concluded

To capsule, the thought of collecting blessings from the elders, bowing down to show respect, and letting go of your ego is a beautiful way to demonstrate an ideology that puts knowledge on a higher pedestal. But, is this the ultimate truth?

Let’s understand the science behind it.

Padasparshan (touching the feet) has a profound scientific reason. In the human body, nerves run from the brain to the fingertips and toes. It is said that when you do padasparshan, the fingers of your hand join the feet of the opposite person, the two are immediately connected, and the energy of your bodies become one and the same — your fingers and hands become the receptor of that energy, while the elder’s feet become the giver. This respect fills the elder’s heart with good thoughts and positive energy, which they radiate through their hands and feet.

Joining Dots

Now that, the essence of touching the feet is well communicated, ask yourself a question. If science is equally beneficial to all, then why are the young girls held back from performing in this practice? Now, some people will still advocate this act by giving reasons like:

According to some beliefs, since Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped by Hindus, it would be disrespectful to ask any unmarried girl who is considered equal to her, to touch the feet of her elders, also since it’s been said, “Betiyan Lakshmi ka roop hoti hain”.

While some may disagree with this thought too and will possibly have another reason counter question it. The loop will continue without having logical reasoning behind it.

Understanding any religious practice is a fine-tuning between science and a belief that is greater than anything in this world. While there is nothing wrong or right in following any ritual, my ask to you is very simple- “Knowledge is Continual”, “Don’t restrict your mind from understanding and keeping a will to know all the parameters”, “Accept what has been rooted in you, however, please adapt a will to know the rationality behind everything, and especially before you perform any ritual”.

The analogy between Hindu Beliefs and Science is always going to be blurred but it will continue to produce a spark in the minds of people who are curious to know more.

Now, if you try to apply the same science to any other ritual or belief, the answer still will remain the same- “Hypocritical”. Like a chain, our beliefs are also like a never-ending loop, one doing is backed up with several versions of disorientated reasons than being scientific.

So, what is it that refuses to convince our hearts? Sure about that because, the mind is a very intelligent tool in our body, it’s not easy to fool it in comparison to the heart. Definitely, it has to be the heart that is ever ready to leave all rationality behind and promises to bend down before all worldly fears.

Opening up the clogged pores of our knowledge and allowing it to have a fresh breather sometimes, is very crucial. Isn’t it even more beautiful to understand the rationality behind every story, if not alone to perform with a wholesome heart, than just having the power to make an informed decision at last?




Raghvi Beri Anand
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Creative Writer: Mindset Coach: Fanatically obsessed with Himalayas. Conduct creative writing workshops and mentor people on levitating their mindsets.