From Diapers to Desk

This is a Mompreneur’s Symphony

Raghvi Beri Anand


Alright, buckle up, folks! The journey of being a mompreneur is a wild ride, sprinkled with midnight feedings and corporate meetings. It’s a tale of resilience, navigating taboos, and challenging the status quo.

I still remember that time I was asked to resign when my bump became more noticeable than my quarterly reports. Classic move. It’s like they thought the moment you become a mom, your professional prowess shrinks. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

We’re still rockstars; we just have an extra companion in the office — baby wipes!

Picture this: Mom on a conference call, toddler in one hand, laptop in the other, and a background chorus of “Baby Shark.” Professionalism level: Expert. It’s a daily acrobatic act, but who needs Cirque du Soleil when you have a mompreneur doing her thing?

Fast forward to my daughter turning five. The challenges haven’t stopped; they’ve just morphed. It took me four years to decide to wade back into the professional pool full-time, only to realize that parenting a preschooler and managing a career is like participating in a daily obstacle course.

Well, Where’s my medal?

To every mom out there, navigating this beautiful chaos, here’s a meaningful message: Your journey is a masterpiece, painted with the strokes of dedication, love, and unwavering strength.

Those moments when the weight of the world rests on your shoulders, remember, you’re not alone.

In those instances when you feel the burden, may you find solace in the fact that you’re part of an unspoken sisterhood — a league of extraordinary women who redefine what it means to be both a loving mother and a tenacious professional.

Your strength is immeasurable, your resilience boundless, and your impact immeasurable.

As we continue to script our stories, let’s embrace the challenges as opportunities, the chaos as a beautiful dance, and the hurdles as stepping stones to success.

To every mompreneur crafting her narrative, remember: You’re not just walking; you’re paving the way. And in the wise words of a mentor, “Our strength is not in isolation but in unity. The journey may be tough, but together, we create a symphony that echoes through generations.”



Raghvi Beri Anand

Creative Writer: Mindset Coach: Fanatically obsessed with Himalayas. Conduct creative writing workshops and mentor people on levitating their mindsets.